What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a recognition of proficiency in accordance with European and international standards.
Accreditation means that SWEDAC, Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment, continually examines that the company in question is competent to perform the tests, calibrations, certifications and inspections.
Read more about SWEDAC and accreditation here.
Why accreditation?
Quality assurance is an obvious concept for most companies today. This includes the use of calibrated instruments. For all measurements it is important to know how well the results correlates with reality. By calibrating your instruments you make the measurements traceable to international standards.
Elastocon started with calibration in 1993 and has been accredited since the year 2000.
Download: Elastocon ISO 17025 accreditation certificate.pdf
Would you like to know more?
Please contact Elastocon Mätcentrum here